
Monday, September 10, 2012

You Can't Make this Stuff Up

I was having lunch with a guy recently, and we met at Panda Express. I don't eat there very often, but this time in particular, I was thinking about China, about Chinese food, and about our adoption plans. All those things were rolling around in my mind when I opened my fortune cookie. Here was my fortune:

As you might imagine, I was pretty freaked out. What kind of a fortune is this, anyway? 

As I reflected on this statement, though, I thought, "Really, this is what we want to do." I don't mean that we want to adopt out of charity, or because we feel bad for the 150 million orphans in the world (although we do). That is not the mentality that has led us to this decision.

We want to adopt because we love. We love our kids. We love that our kids are so loving to others. And we want to share that love with more and more people. It is weird to think that we can already love a child that we've never met, but that is how we feel. We are excited about what God is doing in our lives, and we're excited to share it with you.


  1. So exciting! I am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this process and look forward to reading how God directs your path! Sending you all our love!

    Lee Ann spray

  2. Our Father gives us things to confirm what he is already calling us to do so we can look back in moments of doubt. He gave us things through our adoption process to encourage us to keep on when we were unsure. What a blessing to your family, the new child and to those who are around you watching. To Him be the glory.
