
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

We wanted to update you with the latest. It seems that our paper trail has just about come to an end! We've finally gotten all the government paperwork out of the way. Our documents have been delivered to the consulate in Guangzhou, China. Our next step is what is called Travel Approval. That should come sometime in the next few weeks, which means we will be travel!

We're excited that things are still moving along. Please pray that our travel visas would be approved, and pray for us as we find ways to raise the travel money we still need. There are some grants we haven't yet heard from that we are hoping will help. We hope to be able to book our flights in the next few weeks but we are still trusting God's financial provision. 

Also, we wanted to say thank you. We are currently just $800 short of our $5,000 matching grant. That's a lot of generosity! There's a few more days left, so if you want to help us finish that off, click here

For fun, we'd like to share some updated photos we received this weekend. Seth has changed so much the kids asked if we were adopting a third child! Here he is:

And here's Ruthie. We were encouraged to see how healthy she looks:

Friday, May 10, 2013

This Gift Will Last Forever

It has been almost one full year since we began our adoption process. One thing that has been an encouragement to us along the way has been this song:

We know that our being able to adopt is a gift to us, and we are excited to see God making this dream of ours a reality.

Those of you who have been following our blog will recall that we applied to several grants a few months agoWe’re excited to share with you the news that some of those grants have come through.  One of them, an organization called Lifesong, has been particularly generous. 

Lifesong has offered us a $5000 matching grant.

This will get us a long way towards finally bringing our kids home (Meet our kids here).

The way the grant works is that Lifesong will match any money we contribute, up to $5,000. So $50 becomes $100 and $100 becomes $200, $1,000 becomes $2,000, etc.

We only have until June 1st to raise this money, which is why we are asking for your help. Would you consider making a donation to Lifesong on our behalf? The matching funds in this grant will go a long way towards getting us on a plane to China to pick up our kids.

Here's what you need to do: 

Send your gift to the below address. In the MEMO line it needs to say:  preference Harrison #3567 adoption

Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40 / 202 N. Ford St
Gridley, IL 61744

Things to consider:
  1. Your gift to Lifesong is fully tax-deductible.
  2. 100% of your gift goes to fund our adoption, not to fund Lifesong. Their operating costs are entirely underwritten.
  3. Your gift will last forever. :)
We are so thankful for the support we have been given already and we thank you for the support yet to come. Please continue to pray.