
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Shop Amazon, Change Lives

As we've gone through this process, we've tried to find some creative ways that people can contribute to our adoption. Here's one of the easiest, where everyone wins:

If you are like us, you shop at Amazon. If you are like us, you shop at Amazon a lot. We've got a link that allows you to shop at Amazon, just like you normally do, but in the process you contribute to our goal of bringing our child home from China.

We hope you take advantage of this opportunity. If you have questions, let us know.


  1. OK, would you explain this to me? I am a little slow... the link just takes me to my amazon account, like normal. Do I need to submit any code or anything. or just go to amazon through your blog's link i=and it does it for me? Sorry, it is probably so simple that i am over thinking it, but I wanted to make sure I would do it right.

  2. It sounds like you are doing it right. If you click on our link, it will take you to Amazon, but it will look normal. Nothing changes. The prices are the same, the look of the site is the same, there's no codes to enter in. Whatever you buy, we get a percentage of.

    That's it. Thanks for your support!
