
Friday, August 30, 2013

Medical Update

Well, we promised you updates, and now we finally have some things to share with everyone. We've had some good adjustments since we got home. Ruthie is learning English at light speed, and seems to understand a lot, even if she doesn't say a lot. She'll chime in with gibberish English at family meals, just so she can be a part of the conversation. It is pretty fun to hear her. It is also fun to hear yourself echoed back. We try to be very clear when talking to her, giving her clear commands, etc. But, when she talks to us or to the other kids, she gives those same commands ("look at me" or "don't touch") which just makes her sound bossy. We're working on that. 

Seth, too, has been progressing by leaps and bounds. We took him to the doctor, who was surprised that a baby this healthy looking had CP. He checked out as a healthy kid, even though he is behind on some milestones. But, we're hooked up with the early childhood intervention people, and they'll start some speech and motor therapy with him soon, so we're hoping that will help a lot. For now, we're just staying the course. It is incredible, though, because almost every day he learns a new skill or makes an advance. He is getting more mobile each day. He is really gaining personality, too, laughing a lot and crying loudly when we hurt his feelings. He has a fake cry and a real cry. Today, he refused to eat baby food, just wanting to eat what we were eating. He will mimic sounds that we make and actions we do. Having him is like having an infant in fast forward, working through all the new "tricks" so rapidly.

As to Ruthie, we were of course most anxious to get her to a doctor. We set up an appointment at Children's Hospital in Seattle at the beginning of this past week. The doctor saw her and right away wanted an MRI and a biopsy of her eye area. He felt sure there was cancer, it was just a matter of learning what type and how advanced.

So, they ran those tests and told us to plan for aggressive chemo and radiation. The oncologist even said he might consider stem cell transplants. Needless to say, we were discouraged. Of course we had been preparing our hearts for the worst, but hoping for the best. It was hard to hear that we might be facing the worst.

We got the MRI results, and there was indeed a mass behind her eye socket. So, they did a biopsy to investigate it. That meant two procedures in two days for Ruthie, and two bouts of anesthesia. Through it all she was a real trooper. We weren't quite so brave. We had a couple of sleepless nights, anxious to hear the full story. Throughout the adoption process, we really prayed repeatedly for God to just have His way with our family. The whole process defied logic, and we just wanted God to be at the center of it and for Him to use our family however He wanted. Still, praying that is one thing, but living the grim reality of it is something else all together.

Then came today. The oncologist called to cancel the appointment we had next week in order to discuss treatment options. That was a little confusing, but he said that after looking at the biopsy, it seems the mass behind her eye wasn't malignant. In fact, it wasn't even cancer! It turns out that it was something that formed when she was born, and it is not cancerous at all. Of course we were overwhelmed with this news, and are still stunned. Now, the biggest thing we have to deal with is an infection she got as a result of her biopsy. (The infection did land us an overnight stay in the hospital while they pumped her full of antibiotics). He canceled the appointment, because she is cancer free. What an amazing relief.

We'll continue to monitor her, of course, and we're working towards a prosthetic eye for her. For now, we are just so grateful to God for both our kids. We know that he has big plans for them, and for our family. Our prayer is simply that He would be glorified in our lives.

So for now, we're just watching this infection closely and celebrating what God is doing. Please pray for it to heal quickly for Ruthie. She looks pretty miserable. But we are so thankful she is ok.


  1. Very thankful no chemo for Ruthie. Praying infection heal quickly.

  2. This is amazingly awesome news!!! The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

  3. I am so happy to hear that things are going well for your new babies! Seth sounds like he is progressing really well and I'm so happy to hear that Ruthie doesn't have cancer! That is such a blessing. I hope he recovers quickly and it is all uphill for both of them from here.

  4. Thank you for the update and for sharing your journey with us. Such remarkable news (even if it has been delivered via a roller coaster of a ride for you, emotionally)! You all will remain in or prayers! Love, the Keens

  5. Thank you for the update and for sharing your journey with us. Such remarkable news (even if it has been delivered via a roller coaster of a ride for you, emotionally)! You all will remain in or prayers! Love, the Keens

  6. It has been hard to listen to you share with us over the phone the last few days. We so much wanted to be able to hug and love on all of you. The excitement in your voice last evening was just so joyous. We laughed and cried with you. Praise God. Hugs all around. Dad

  7. Wow!!!!God is amazing!!!so happy and we cant wait to meet them!!!!

  8. Wow!!!!God is amazing!!!so happy and we cant wait to meet them!!!!

  9. This is amazing good news. So glad for all of you and will pray for the healing of the infection. Falts
