
Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 15

Today is Friday, and it is our last day in Zhengzhou. In the morning, we all are moving pretty slow. Kris is still feeling sick, and so he skipped breakfast. But, Anne wins wife of the year award, because she was able to score some Pedialyte from another adoptive family at breakfast, and that has been helping.

We had sent our laundry out yesterday (hopefully for the last time), and got it back this morning. After the lady left, we found out some of it was still damp! Not cool. So now we have to pack a bunch of damp clothes in our suitcases for our flights to Guangzhou. Hopefully, we won't smell like mildew all week.

Our guide came by to deliver Seth's last remaining paperwork, but his passport was not ready. We need that to fly, though she said she thought his adoption certificate would be sufficient.
We are going to go back right before we go to the airport, and we are hoping that it will be ready then.

(OK...I wrote that first part before we got to the airport. We didn't get his passport, but as it turned out, everything was fine with regards to our getting on the plane today. Hopefully, our passport will be mailed to our new hotel in the next day or so).

In other airport news, our flight was delayed over an hour. When we got there, we didn't even have a gate assignment. But here's a weird thing. We walked to the nearest gate where we could find some seats (not easy to do in China), and it just happened to be the right gate. What are the chances?

After waiting forever for our flight to take off, we finally got to Guangzhou about 9 pm, met our guide and took our van to the hotel. Seth fought sleep the whole 2 hour plane ride, but he just couldn't resist sleeping on the van. Fortunately, he stayed asleep through checking in and getting to our room.

By the time we got to GZ, we were all exhausted from the flight, and from the last couple of nights. I don't know how we're going to do with the baby on the flight home. But, checking in to our hotel made a big difference. We were upgraded to the executive suites, and it seems to be quite the upgrade. It looks like it will be a nice way to end our trip.


  1. AnonymousJuly 26, 2013

    God provided rest for the weary in the form of seats at the airport and a great hotel room.

  2. Wife of the year, Yea!!!

  3. I'm glad you are all doing ok. I'm sure you are exhausted and so ready to go home. I'm guessing you fly out of Guanzhou? I hope that Kris feels better soon! Seth is a beautiful baby! I've been keeping up with all of your posts this week but I ouldnt write comments since we're now in Shanghai and I needed to set up our VPN. Anyways, its all set up now, so I can finally respond. I hope you have a great weekend and get some rest. It's so hot here!
